Neutrophils [#/volume] in Blood

Number of people
29 076 (61.95% female)
People with ≥2 records
Median duration from first to last measurement
1.28 years



OMOP Concept ID
3017732— open in OHDSI Athena.
Part of collection
Neutrophils with 3 other OMOP concepts — open in OHDSI Athena.

OMOP mapping QC

OMOP concept ID Test name Measurement unit (harmonized unit) N people N records Missing measurement value Harmonized value distribution
Test outcome
3017732 b-neutrof e9/l (e9/l) 6972 11553 0.00%
3017732 b-neutrofiilit e9/l (e9/l) 5325 8785 0.00%
3017732 b-neutr — (—) 5093 14131 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 b-neutr e9/l (e9/l) 3494 7648 0.00%
3017732 l-neut e9/l (e9/l) 1546 4517 0.00%
3017732 neutrofiilit e9/l (e9/l) 1124 5835 0.00%
3017732 b-neutabs e9/l (e9/l) 1119 5504 0.00%
3017732 konediffi,neuttot e9/l (e9/l) 778 2383 0.00%
3017732 b-neu/abs e9/l (—) 643 2103 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 neut e9/l (e9/l) 591 4350 0.00%
3017732 b-konedif,neuttot e9/l (e9/l) 587 1303 0.00%
3017732 neutrofiilit.absol.arvot e9/l (e9/l) 585 797 0.00%
3017732 neutrofiilit,absol.arvot e9/l (e9/l) 575 784 0.00%
3017732 b-pvk+tkd,neut e9/l (e9/l) 572 4366 0.00%
3017732 b-neutrofiilit,erillistutkimuksena e9/l (e9/l) 397 903 0.00%
3017732 -neut % (—) 341 1172 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 b-neutrofiilit % (—) 197 408 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 b-neutrofiilit,b-diffiosatutkimus e9/l (e9/l) 193 260 0.00%
3017732 b-pseutro e9/l (—) 148 180 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 b-neutrofiiliterillistutkimuksena e9/l (—) 107 294 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 neutrofiilit,absoluuttiset e9/l (e9/l) 101 150 0.00%
3017732 b-neutrofiilit — (—) 94 115 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 l-neutrofiilit e9/l (—) 94 124 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 b-neutab e9/l (—) 88 108 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 b-neutabs — (—) 84 95 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 b-neutrofiilit-absact5diffillä e9/l (e9/l) 81 179 0.00%
3017732 b-neut,osatutkimus(b-neut) e9/l (e9/l) 69 82 0.00%
3017732 b-neutrofiilitabsoluuttinenarvo e9/l (—) 60 86 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 b-kdiffi,b-neut e9/l (e9/l) 59 465 0.00%
3017732 neutrofiilit(b-neut) e9/l (—) 53 61 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 neutrofiilitabs,konediffi e9/l (e9/l) 39 45 0.00%
3017732 l-neutr e9/l (e9/l) 39 296 0.00%
3017732 b-neutrof — (—) 34 38 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 b-neutrofiilit,erillistutkimuksena — (—) 24 56 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 b-neutrofiilit,diffinosatutkimus e9/l (e9/l) 16 16 0.00%
3017732 neutrofiilisetleukosyytitmd e9/l (e9/l) 15 15 0.00%
3017732 neutrofiilit,absoluuttiset — (—) 9 10 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 b-kdiffi,b-neut — (—) 6 8 100.00% Distribution not available
3017732 konediffi,neuttot — (—) 5 5 100.00% Distribution not available


Number of people
29 076 (61.95% female)

Year of birth distribution

Age at first measurement

Age at last measurement

Age at start of registry

Duration from first to last measurement


People with ≥2 records
Median number of measurements per person
Median duration from first to last measurement
1.28 years

Number of measurements over the years

Number of measurements per person

Distribution of lab values

Value range per person