Prostate Specific Ag Free/Prostate specific in Serum or Plasma

Number of people
94 643 (0.14% female)
People with ≥2 records
Median duration from first to last measurement
3.87 years



OMOP Concept ID
3001784— open in OHDSI Athena.
Part of collection
Prostate specific specific with 0 other OMOP concept — open in OHDSI Athena.

OMOP mapping QC

OMOP concept ID Test name Measurement unit (harmonized unit) N people N records Missing measurement value Harmonized value distribution
Test outcome
3001784 p-psa-suh — (—) 41243 134974 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 p-psa-suh % (%) 27813 83878 0.01%
3001784 s-psa-suh — (—) 27044 77276 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 psa-v/psa — (—) 10280 20616 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 psa-v/psa % (%) 8379 25394 0.00%
3001784 s-psa-suh % (%) 6432 11979 0.00%
3001784 s-psa-v/t % (%) 4143 12585 0.00%
3001784 p-psa-v/t — (—) 1959 8387 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 s-psa-v/t — (—) 1747 2627 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 s-prostataspesifinenantigeeni,vapaa/totaali % (%) 1007 1203 0.00%
3001784 psa-vapaa/totaali-suhde,plasmasta — (—) 935 1405 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 p-prostataspesifinenantigeeni,suhde — (—) 396 536 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 prostataspesifinenantigeeni,vapaanosuus(vainlaboratorionkäytössä) % (%) 387 600 0.00%
3001784 s-psav/t % (%) 345 1076 0.00%
3001784 psa-v/psa-suhde % (%) 332 411 0.00%
3001784 p-prostataspesifinenantigeeni,suhde % (%) 326 437 0.00%
3001784 psa-vapaa/totaali-suhde,plasmasta % (%) 303 461 0.00%
3001784 p-psa-i — (—) 274 488 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 -psa-v/t — (—) 209 436 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 s-prostataspesifinenantigeeni,vapaa/kokonais-suhde % (%) 197 221 0.00%
3001784 p-psa-v/t % (%) 190 257 0.00%
3001784 s-psavapaanjatotaalinsuhde — (—) 123 166 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 -psa-v/t % (%) 105 217 0.00%
3001784 p-psa-i % (%) 101 188 0.00%
3001784 psavapaanjatotaalinsuhde — (—) 96 139 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 psa-v/psa-suhde — (—) 60 60 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 s-psav/t — (—) 50 69 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 s-psavapaanjatotaalinsuhde % (%) 48 70 0.00%
3001784 s-psa-v % (%) 45 55 0.00%
3001784 psavapaanjatotaalinsuhde % (%) 29 44 0.00%
3001784 s-psa,vapaanjatotaalinsuhde — (—) 26 30 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 s-psa-v/t(pi) % (%) 16 21 0.00%
3001784 p-psa-suhd % (%) 13 15 0.00% Distribution not available
3001784 s-psa-suh,s-psa-v/t % (%) 12 19 0.00% Distribution not available
3001784 p-psa-suhd — (—) 12 14 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 s-psa,vapaanjatotaalinsuhde % (%) 11 14 0.00% Distribution not available
3001784 !psavapaanjatotaalinsuhde — (—) 9 13 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 s-psa-v/t(pi) — (—) 8 8 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 s-psa-suh,s-psa-v/t — (—) 8 9 100.00% Distribution not available
3001784 !psavapaanjatotaalinsuhde % (%) 7 7 0.00% Distribution not available Distribution not available


Number of people
94 643 (0.14% female)

Year of birth distribution

Age at first measurement

Age at last measurement

Age at start of registry

Duration from first to last measurement


People with ≥2 records
Median number of measurements per person
Median duration from first to last measurement
3.87 years

Number of measurements over the years

Number of measurements per person

Distribution of lab values

Value range per person