Cholesterol [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma

Number of people
405 522 (58.20% female)
People with ≥2 records
Median duration from first to last measurement
4.94 years



OMOP Concept ID
3019900— open in OHDSI Athena.
Part of collection
Cholesterol with 2 other OMOP concepts — open in OHDSI Athena.

OMOP mapping QC

OMOP concept ID Test name Measurement unit (harmonized unit) N people N records Missing measurement value Harmonized value distribution
Test outcome
3019900 fp-kol mmol/l (mmol/l) 306298 1021167 0.01%
3019900 fs-kol mmol/l (mmol/l) 102593 215196 0.00%
3019900 fp-kol — (—) 97419 250156 100.00% Distribution not available
3019900 p-kol mmol/l (mmol/l) 83196 139737 0.00%
3019900 p-kol — (—) 19687 29689 100.00% Distribution not available
3019900 fp-kol-ind — (—) 3107 5094 100.00% Distribution not available
3019900 s-kol mmol/l (mmol/l) 2888 4882 0.00%
3019900 fp-kolesteroli mmol/l (mmol/l) 2629 2967 0.00%
3019900 kolesteroli,plasmasta,paastotilassa(fp-kol) mmol/l (mmol/l) 2436 3524 0.00%
3019900 fs-kolesteroli mmol/l (mmol/l) 2411 3162 0.00%
3019900 kolesteroli/lipidit mmol/l (mmol/l) 1924 2907 0.00%
3019900 fs-kol — (—) 1861 2238 100.00% Distribution not available
3019900 kolesteroli mmol/l (—) 1309 1593 100.00% Distribution not available
3019900 kolesteroli/lipiditosatutkimus mmol/l (—) 891 1182 100.00% Distribution not available
3019900 p-kolesteroli mmol/l (mmol/l) 808 882 0.00%
3019900 kolesteroliplasmasta mmol/l (mmol/l) 501 695 0.00%
3019900 fp-kolesteroli — (—) 487 569 100.00% Distribution not available
3019900 perusterveyspakettikol mmol/l (mmol/l) 218 259 0.00%
3019900 p-kolviitasaari mmol/l (mmol/l) 93 95 0.00%
3019900 s-kolesteroliosatutkimus mmol/l (mmol/l) 78 84 0.00%
3019900 fp-kolesteroli,plasma mmol/l (mmol/l) 51 52 0.00%
3019900 fp-kolesteroli,plasma — (—) 28 32 100.00% Distribution not available
3019900 s-kolesteroli mmol/l (mmol/l) 24 24 0.00%
3019900 p-kolviitasaari — (—) 11 11 100.00% Distribution not available
3019900 fs-kolesteroli — (—) 7 7 100.00% Distribution not available
3019900 kolesteroli/lipidit — (—) 5 5 100.00% Distribution not available


Number of people
405 522 (58.20% female)

Year of birth distribution

Age at first measurement

Age at last measurement

Age at start of registry

Duration from first to last measurement


People with ≥2 records
Median number of measurements per person
Median duration from first to last measurement
4.94 years

Number of measurements over the years

Number of measurements per person

Distribution of lab values

Value range per person