Eosinophils [#/volume] in Blood

Number of people
216 377 (59.28% female)
People with ≥2 records
Median duration from first to last measurement
3.03 years



OMOP Concept ID
3013115— open in OHDSI Athena.
Part of collection
Eosinophils with 0 other OMOP concept — open in OHDSI Athena.

OMOP mapping QC

OMOP concept ID Test name Measurement unit (harmonized unit) N people N records Missing measurement value Harmonized value distribution
Test outcome
3013115 b-eos e9/l (e9/l) 184981 975326 0.03%
3013115 b-eos — (—) 68256 309184 100.00% Distribution not available
3013115 b-eosin e9/l (e9/l) 5157 12156 0.00%
3013115 b-eosin — (—) 5034 14132 100.00% Distribution not available
3013115 b-eosinofiilit e9/l (e9/l) 4360 6716 0.00%
3013115 l-eos e9/l (e9/l) 1303 3979 0.00%
3013115 eosinofiilit,absol.arvot e9/l (e9/l) 1052 1434 0.00%
3013115 eos e9/l (e9/l) 591 4350 0.00%
3013115 b-pvk+tkd,eo e9/l (e9/l) 572 4346 0.00%
3013115 b-eosinofiilit,verestä e9/l (e9/l) 552 727 0.00%
3013115 eosinofiilit e9/l (e9/l) 421 568 0.00%
3013115 b-eosabs e9/l (e9/l) 403 1670 0.00%
3013115 -eos % (—) 341 1176 100.00% Distribution not available
3013115 b-eosinofiilit,b-diffiosatutkimus e9/l (e9/l) 193 258 0.00%
3013115 b-eos e6/l (e9/l) 126 166 0.00%
3013115 b-eosinofiilit — (—) 84 103 100.00% Distribution not available
3013115 eosinofiilit,absol.arvot,osatutkimus(b-eos) e9/l (e9/l) 69 82 0.00%
3013115 b-kdiffi,b-eos e9/l (e9/l) 59 463 0.00%
3013115 b-eosinofiilit,erillistutkimuksena e9/l (e9/l) 56 58 0.00%
3013115 eosinofiilit,verestä(b-eos) e9/l (e9/l) 53 61 0.00%
3013115 eosinofiilit,abs,konediffi e9/l (e9/l) 39 45 0.00%
3013115 eosinofiilit — (—) 33 40 100.00% Distribution not available
3013115 eosinofiilit,absol.arvot — (—) 25 29 100.00% Distribution not available
3013115 b-eosinofiiliterillistutkimuksena e9/l (e9/l) 18 18 0.00%
3013115 b-eosinofiilit,b-diffiosatutkimus — (—) 10 11 100.00% Distribution not available
3013115 b-eosinofiilit,absoluuttiset e9/l (e9/l) 8 14 0.00% Distribution not available
3013115 eosinofiilit,absoluuttiset/tvk % (—) 6 9 100.00% Distribution not available
3013115 b-eosinofiilit,verestä — (—) 6 6 100.00% Distribution not available
3013115 b-kdiffi,b-eos — (—) 6 8 100.00% Distribution not available


Number of people
216 377 (59.28% female)

Year of birth distribution

Age at first measurement

Age at last measurement

Age at start of registry

Duration from first to last measurement


People with ≥2 records
Median number of measurements per person
Median duration from first to last measurement
3.03 years

Number of measurements over the years

Number of measurements per person

Distribution of lab values

Value range per person